Cap De Creus, Spain, October 2010

This spot was like standing and feeling the crosswinds of the world: On the left in the distance is Port Ligat Spain, where Salvador Dali had his studio; off to the right, out of view, the Costa Brava disappeared off to the the south of France, and of course dead-ahead here in the last failing light of the day is this aging lighthouse. And back behind it was the coolest little restaurant that you can imagine stumbling across: you walk in and here’s’ this mix of cool jazz, big oak bar, the smell of the latest catch with garlic coupled with Indian curry. Outside here we are surrounded by this unbelievable array of light, fading fast, like nature’s last flick of the wand for the day. Textures of visuals coupled with a sound track and sensory input to make these memories stand as a strong top ten of around-the-world-Mojo-heavy-experiences.

So what is the “mojo” in your photography, or art?  Just so we’re on the same page, the Urban dictionary defines mojo as The word originally means a charm or a spell. But now its more commonly said meaning sex appeal or talent. So mix all that into a concept-salad and you have a pretty fierce component that can make your art take wings like a red tail hawk soaring high up in a thermal.

Do you remember my interview with surf photographer Chris Burkard? I asked him what makes a photograph that ended up on the coveted spot–the cover of a magazine?

Surprisingly, he rattled was able to rattle off the answers:

  1. Composition
  2. Contrast
  3. Depth
  4. Mojo!!

To which I asked, what’s the mojo?! You’ll have to see the interview to catch his response, because who can say exactly what the secret sauce is the gives it that  je ne sais quoi? But isn’t this the whole game of photography, or any form of art for that mater? Going out to capture the moment, that some how has all the ingredients in place, even if just for you?

 So what’s one of your mojo shots? I’d love to see your image or if you don’t want to put it up, tell me your mojo-experience…