What are your Photography Goals for 2016?

Hey, like everything in life, if you don’t set your photography goals, they’re not likely to just happen on by and knock on your door.

Let me ask you, when was the last time you thought about your goals as a photographer? Lots of us keep going out and shooting the same pictures over and over—you know the ones I’m talking about.  Nice image the first few times you got it, but after a few hundred, even you’re tired of seeing it!  How does that happen? You get good at a certain type of photography and keep on going out and finding that image again.

This is a signal that it’s time to tune up your skills, or turn your photography on its head and do something totally different. An assignment I give students at my workshops is to “go out and get images that you normally wouldn’t—get out of your comfort zone.”

This takes us back to the subject of your goals. Ask yourself these questions about your photography:

1. What areas would you like to improve?

2. Are there types of images you’d like to get (nudes, black and white, artificial light, etc?)

3.   What are your plans to study other’s work? (getting out often to museums, exhibitions, books, etc.) Though this might be poor form to mention, check out our Advancing Your photography Club. My purpose with the club is to bring you an inside look into many photographers’ worlds, to inspire, educate and connect you with like-minded folks for a full learning experience.

Then just put this all together and set yourself a goal. Oh, one more thing I bet each of us needs to do: Take more photographs. Unless you’re out there shooting daily, you’re probably not photographing enough, even if it’s with your iPhone as our friend Chase Jarvis recommends.

BTW, my goals? To return to my roots as a pure black and white photographer. In addition to shooting more digital B&W, I’ll be rescanning some old negatives to get full-frame images, and dusting off my Rolleiflex and old 4×5. Also to keep advancing with filmmaking and video.

Do me a favor, after you’ve done the exercise above, leave me a note and let me know what you come up with.

Marc Silber:

View Comments (2)

  • Thanks for the motivation. Sometimes I feel that my photography is all over the place. And sometimes that's ok, because I'm trying to find my style. But setting clear goals will make that an easier path. Thanks for the advice!

  • Thanks for the motivation. Sometimes I feel that my photography is all over the place. And sometimes that's ok, because I'm trying to find my style. But setting clear goals will make that an easier path. Thanks for the advice!